A two month project where we sought to understand and improve the shopping experience in a way that stakeholders would benefit along with the users. I guided the team often and contributed significantly to the documentation of the project and keeping people on track. My teammates were Frida Montano, Ella Martin, and Mackenzie Isaacs.

Preliminary Research and Ideation

We started by looking at issues people had with the current state of grocery shopping through conducting contextual inquiries. We synthesized this data and started ideating on ways we could make grocery shopping make people want to go into the stores.

After discussion, we identified a common issue among our users that was people using self checkout because they didn’t trust their prices to ring up correctly, and were constantly double checking them.

User Feedback

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          Ideation of potential solutions.

We settled on an idea to make a cart where you could see the prices as you shop- something similar but still different from Amazon’s cart service. We made some sketches of our idea and put it in front of users to get feedback. The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive.

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A sketch of the screen of a potential smart cart.

Second Iteration

After receiving this feedback, we made another iteration of our design, pictured to the left.

To present our findings, we made a short pitch video detailing what the issues we found were and how our idea would benefit both users and grocery store owners.

The video can be viewed at the following link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGAC0ZpK-4/je00dvB6-p8Xvp8NVHnXNQ/view?utm_content=DAGAC0ZpK-4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=recording_view

Please note the video’s audio is slightly quiet.