A month long project where I guided a team on storyboarding new ways to use the Starship service. I spent a lot of time organizing different activities for my team and writing documentation. My teammates were: Hannah Hurst, David Easton, and Jeeaan Ahmmed.

Research and Ideation

This project was about ideating and sketching for new ways to use the Starship service that could increase human to human interaction among Purdue students. Scholarly background research and interviews were performed to identify the current state of the starship service. Using this research, my team then ideated on potential ways to avoid common complaints while still increasing human to human interaction. This ideation can be seen to the right.

Storyboarding and Feedback

We came up with a storyboard to showcase the primary scenario of our idea: using starships to deliver books to Purdue students so that they could participate in a virtual book club. We used peer feedback and (potential) user feedback to evaluate our current design and iterate on it. This second iteration we presented in a pitch to the class.

Screenshot 2024-03-03 135544.png

Above: Ideation | Below: Interview Summary

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Screenshot 2024-03-03 135649.png

My storyboard of how the app would work